Passion, Dedication, Safety, Integrity, Professionalism, Global relevance
Leadership Skills in Students
It is not enough for a student to decide that they want to be a leader. The making of a good leader is not something that is inherited. Students have to work compulsively on their leadership skills
Conducive learning Environment
A conducive learning environment is a platform devoid of both physical intimidation and emotional frustration, which allows for a free exchange of ideas.
Technological Development
It is important to acknowledge that students are already interested and engaged in using technology, this creates many amazing opportunities for schools
Year 1…5yr6months- 6yrs6months Year 2…6yr6months- 7yrs6months Year 3…7yr6months- 8yrs6months Year 4…8yr6months- 9yrs6months Year 5….9yrs6months-10yrs6months
1yr6moths- 2yrs6monthd
Creativity in our students
Every child has the capacity to build and innovate. We imbibe In our student this capacity. We make this strength evident. This Creativity spreads into their environmental relationship.
Nur 1…3yr6months- 4yrs6months Nur 2…4yr6months- 5yrs6months
2yr6month- 3yrs6month